
Host Institution

The Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPC) is a leading research entity localized in Warsaw, Poland (capital city). IPC has the highest research excellence category among research units in Poland (A+), which places us in top 5% of the best research units. 2014, the European Commission granted to IPC the “HR Excellence in Research” award for striving for improvement of working conditions for researchers, strengthening recruitment procedure (based on open, merit and transparent principles) and development of professional educational offer for researchers.

At IPC there are 29 research teams dealing with broadly understood chemistry, that carry out interdisciplinary research in chemistry inspired by biology/ medicine, pharmacy & physics. The leaders of our research groups are very independent, and act as managers of their own units.

IPC has modern equipment, and extensive experimental & application experience. The research equipment database is publicly available at IPC website.

Beside excellent research performance, IPC is also dedicated to commercialization. We carry out an initiative “IPC for the companies” offering consultancy, measurement services and patents for sale. We have a few spin-off and spin-out companies originated from our research. They act in the sectors of medical diagnostics (Curiosity Diagnosics, Scope Fluidics), and equipment for industry (Fluence). We have also found a way to support very niche commercial initiatives of our researchers co-financing first stages of development of their inventions (SERSitive, Siliquan).  

IPC hosted ERC grant and has a chair funded by the European Commission under the prestigious programme “ERA Chairs” (H2020) (CREATE project). Apart from the PD2PI project we also implement another project acknowledged by the European Commission under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – NaMeS.

Our studies & research groups

Candidates applying to PD2PI project should start from choosing a research group from IPC conducting research in the field that may interest them. Subsequently, each candidate should select a mentor from this group who may support his/her project. We suggest to visit web pages of research groups listed below, select a mentor (it could be head of the group or other group member) and contact them in order to receive the supporting letter.

The supporting letter from IPC mentor is a prerequisite for your application to the programme.

Name of the research group


Contact to PI

Recommended Partner

(1) Plasmonic nanostructures for bio-spectroscopic analysis

Dr hab. Agnieszka Kamińska



(2) Living Materials

Dr Jan Paczesny



(3) Physical Optics and Biophotonics Group

Prof. dr hab. Maciej Wojtkowski



(4) Surface Nanoengineering group

Dr hab. inż. Joanna Niedziółka-Jönsson


Sabine Szunerits
ISE Regional Representative of France, Université Lille 1 - Science and Technology

(5) Phase behaviour and dynamics in polymer solutions

Dr hab. Jacek Gregorowicz



(6) Nanoelectrochemistry group

Dr hab. Wojciech Nogala



(7) Chemistry in Confined Spaces

Dr hab. Volodymyr Sashuk



(8) Dynamics of light-induced bimolecular reactions

Dr hab. Gonzalo Angulo



(9) Coordination metal complexes and functional materials

Prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Lewiński


Michael Graetzel
Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces, Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne

(10) Soft Condensed Matter

Prof. dr. hab. Robert Hołyst


Wilhelm Huck
Dept. of Physical Organic Chemistry, Radboud University - Institute for Molecules and Materials

(11) Microfluidics and Complex Fluids Research Group

Prof. dr hab. Piotr Garstecki


David Wareham
Antinmicrobial Reaserch Group,Queen Mary University - Blizard Institute, School of Medicine & Dentistry;

Lars David Renner
Microfabs and Microbiology Group, Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research

(12) Organization and synthesis of nanoparticles

Dr hab. Marcin Fiałkowski


Horst Weller
Nanochemistry Group, University of Hamburg - Institute of Physical Chemistry

(13) Physical chemistry of complex systems

Dr hab. Wojciech Góźdź



(14) Charge transfer processes in hydrodynamic systems

Dr hab. Martin Jönsson-Niedziółka


Micheál Scanlon
Scanlon Electrochemistry Group, University of Limerick - Department of Chemical Sciences

(16) Dynamics of nanocrystal structure induced by surface chemistry

Dr hab. Zbigniew Kaszkur



(17) Environmental Chemistry Group

Dr hab. Rafał Szmigielski



(18) Functional Polymers

Dr Piyush Sindhu Sharma



(19) Soft Granular Matter and Tissue Engineering

Dr Jan Guzowski



(20) Cooperative catalysis Dr hab. Adam Kubas akubas@ichf.edu.pl -

(21) Spectroscopic and microscopic (STM/AFM) studies of intermolecular interactions

Dr hab. Robert Nowakowski



(22) Charge transfer in biological systems and at the interfaces

Dr Piotr Zarzycki



(23) Modified electrodes for potential application in sensors and cells

Prof. dr hab. Marcin Opałło


Hubert Girault,
Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne

(24) Systems and Chemical Processing of Information

Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Górecki



(25) Laboratory astrochemistry

Prof. dr hab. Robert Kołos


Claudine Crépin
Molecules in Matrices’ Group, French National Centre for Scientific Research - Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay

(27) Laser Centre

Dr hab. Yuriy Stepanenko


Matthias Kling
Attosecond Imaging group, Munich Centre for Advanced Photonics, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich - Ultrafast Nanophotonics Laboratory

(28) Catalysis for sustainable energy production and environmental protection

Dr hab. Juan Carlos Colmenares



(29) Photophysics and spectroscopy of photoactive systems

Prof. dr hab. Jacek Waluk



(30) Nuclear Hyperpolarization of Molecular Systems and Nanomaterials

Dr Tomasz Ratajczyk



(31) Biophysical Chemistry Group

Dr Anna Ochab – Marcinek


