Tool-kits training on research techniques
XPS spectroscopy
Organizer: Laboratory of Surface Analysis
Instructor: dr inż. Mirosław Krawczyk
Training duration: 1,5h
How to apply: send your training application to mkuczynska|| |pniton|
Training scope:
1. Introduction: physical basics of XPS spectroscopy in the form of discussions and answers to questions, type of analyzed samples;
2. Construction of the XPS scanning microanalyzer (PHI 5000 VersaProbe): analytical possibilities;
3. Presentation of the multi-chamber ultra-high vacuum system, research possibilities in the field of material preparation and surface analysis (preparation chamber, AFM / STM microscopy analysis chamber);
4. Measurements of XPS spectra (survey scan spectrum, high-resolution spectra of the separated energy states of elements) for a selected sample;
5. Summary.
Rheometry - a way to know the rheological character of substance
Organizer: Laboratory for Soft Matter Research
Instructor: mgr inż. Agnieszka Wiśniewska
Training duration: 10h/2 days
How to apply: send your training application to mkuczynska|| |pniton|
Training scope:
The internship has two levels of difficulty - basic or pro, depending on the intern's level of expertise and knowledge of the method.
Basic: presentation of the method of measuring viscosity on a "falling ball" type viscometer and a rotational rheometer for various samples
Pro: application of a rotational rheometer to characterize viscous and viscoelastic samples using rotation and oscillation methods.
After prior arrangement, the possibility of working on the intern's own samples.
NMR Spectroscopy
Organizer: Laboratory of NMR Spectroscopy
Instructor: dr hab. Piotr Bernatowicz
Training duration: 4 h
How to apply: send your training application to mkuczynska|| |pniton|
Training scope:
NMR training is available on liquid-state Agilent 400 MHz or Bruker AVANCE II 300 MHz NMR spectrometers. Participants will learn how to exploit basic 1D and 2D spectra in structural investigations of simple organic molecules.
Single Crystal X‐ray Diffraction and Structure Analysis
Organizer: X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory
Instructor: dr Roman Luboradzki
Training duration: 8h/1 day
How to apply: send your training application to mkuczynska|| |pniton|
Training scope:
The internship is conducted on Supernova X-ray diffractometer.
The exercise includes sample preparation, measurement, structure solution and then analysis of the obtained results. The student will compare the obtained results with the data from the Cambridge Structural Database and learn what this database can be useful for and how to use it.
Thermal analysis - thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
Organizer: Laboratory for Soft Matter Research
Instructor: mgr inż. Agnieszka Wiśniewska
Training duration: 5h/1 day
How to apply: send your training application to mkuczynska|| |pniton|
Training scope:
The internship is conducted on two instruments: the TGA instrument with DSC sensor and the DSC instrument. During the training, parameters characteristic for chemical substances, such as melting point, thermal decomposition, and phase transitions, will be determined.
After prior arrangement, the possibility of working on the trainee's own samples.
Determination of thickness and optical parameters of thin solid films with spectroscopic ellipsometry
Organizer: Laboratory of Molecular Film Investigation/Functional Polymers group
Instructor: dr Krzysztof Noworyta/dr Paweł Borowicz
Training duration: 6-8h/1 day (for one task)
How to apply: send your training application to mkuczynska|| |pniton|
Training scope:
The goal of the training involves two tasks which present the application of spectroscopic ellipsometry to the investigation of thin films:
- determination of thickness and optical parameters of thin SiO2 films deposited on Si-crystalline substrate;
- investigation of materials which are the subject of interest of the person performing the training.
To achieve the first goal, standard SiO2 / Si systems will be examined by means of spectroscopic ellipsometry. To achieve the second goal, a film of material(s) will be deposited on a solid substrate. The substrate must reflect visible and near-infrared light. The samples will be examined by spectral ellipsometry. The ellipsometric spectra recorded, in combination with mathematical modeling, will be used to determine the thickness of the deposited films as well as their thickness and optical properties.
Please, contact at least 4 weeks before the expected training day.